When a person puffs on the cigarette and tobacco smoke enters the lungs, and then into the blood, central nervous system is experiencing some excitement, but when it is braking and oppression. Later, it affects the functions of the body as a whole, and the activities of the senses is no exception.
Already well-known fact that most smokers do not like sweets. This is because the language of the smoker is always a thick layer of viscous mucus, which in turn limits the access of food to the nerve endings (receptors) that are responsible for taste. Another of the side effects of nicotine and other toxic components of tobacco smoke - is the oppression of the nerve endings (receptors), or rather their activities are in the mouth. Violation of the perception of taste tested a simple way - you need to give the smoker and non-smokers equally sweetened or salted water. Smoker had difficulty with his right answer, and a non-smoker, in turn, can easily cope with this task. Impaired sense of taste, in turn, results in "blunting" satiety. Yes, smoking can have some effect on the appetite, which is the wrong basis for many smokers (particularly women), smoking is regarded as almost a "complete cure". However, the above fact, on the contrary contributes to weight gain.
Tobacco is also negatively affects the human sense of smell, and it reduces the perception of odors and their nuances. Tobacco smoke is constantly irritating the mucosa of the sinuses, reduces the sensitivity of nerve receptors, and, gradually, contributes to inflammation of the mucous membrane and, further, its pathological degeneration. One of the consequences of systematic smoking is a chronic runny nose, which is the result of inflammation of the nasal mucosa and nasal passages. Deleterious effect of tobacco smoke in the sense of smell is not easily verified by experiment on a large dog, if you let her cigarette smoke in the nose, it instantly loses its sense.

A very detrimental effect smoking has on people suffering from glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure). Pain caused by this disease from smoking, are amplified several times, and to help the smoker patients with glaucoma can no treatment until he quit smoking. Smoking also contributes to the development of the disease in smokers, not suffering them. In general, smoking is one of the risk factors and other eye diseases such as:
Cataract - clouding of the lens of the eye;
Retinopathy - pathology of the retina;
ischemic optic neuropathy - a disease caused by circulatory disturbance of the optic nerve and, further, the loss of its functionality;
age-related macular degeneration (AMD) - a disease associated with damage to the central part of the retina.
Do not spared its devastating impact smoking and hearing. Smokers have a greater its mass is a decrease of hearing. Tobacco toxins cause inflammation of the nose and throat in humans, which eventually becomes chronic. A naso-pharynx connects with the tympanic cavity, and the inflammatory process begins to develop here, spreading further to the auditory nerve. The tympanic membrane begins to thicken, leading to a decrease in activity of mobile ossicular. All this is due to worsen hearing.
Do not forget that the human senses, in spite of the complexity of its structure and functionality are the primary link in the chain of perception of external factors. All the sensations perceived by them, passed along the nerves to the brain, and they are analyzed, roughly speaking - they actually "feel". Despite the fact that the negative impact of tobacco on the senses, such as the eyes and nose done either through blood or through direct contact with tobacco smoke, smoking is equally harmful acts, both on the senses and the central nervous system as a whole . Thus, the entire system suffers from the perception of the environment.
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