Smoke acts
on the vocal cords. Prolonged smoking leads to the fact that in them is growing
fibrous tissue, narrowing the glottis. Chronic irritation of the vocal cords
change tone and color of pronunciation, the voice loses its purity and sonority
becomes hoarse, that for singers, actors, teachers, lecturers may end
professional unsuitability.
into the trachea and bronchi (the airways, the air enters the lungs), nicotine
acts on their mucous membranes and the upper layer, which has to ¬
leblyuschiesya cilia, cleaning the air of dust and small particles. Nicotine
paralyzes the cilia, and the particles of tobacco smoke are deposited on the
mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi.
smallest of their size allows them to penetrate deeply and settle in the lungs.
The mucous
membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi from frequent smoking irritated and
inflamed. Therefore, chronic tracheitis and chronic bronchitis - diseases
common to smokers. Mnogochisleinye study of Soviet and for-eign scientists have
identified the harmful role of smoking in the development of chronic
inflammation in the airways. Thus, those who smoked per day to one pack of
cigarettes, chronic bronchitis occurs in about 50% of cases, up to two packs -
80% in non-smokers the same - only 3% of cases. J. Kazarevich (Yugoslavia),
investigating more than two thousand smokers and more than 6 thousand
non-smokers, showed 55.6% of bronchitis in smokers and 6.3% non-smoking. Soviet
scientist SP Oleynikov found that chronic bronchitis in smokers observed in 7
times more likely than non-smokers, and 5 times more likely than quitters.
Surveys of young people found smoking in violation of their respiratory lung
function, greater incidence of cough and colds. These effects were reversible
and were within a few weeks after smoking cessation.

causes emphysema (enlargement) of the lungs, manifests itself in the form of
shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. The degree of severity of chronic
bronchitis, emphysema depends on the duration of smoking, number of cigarettes
smoked and the depth of inhaling.
Lungs have
a greater total surface - when you inhale an average of 90 m2. In quiet
breathing they contain about 3 liters of air. With a deep and heavy breathing
if ¬ tional to the air rises to 6 liters or more. Smokers are less than these
figures. In the bronchi and the lungs is about 50% of solid particles of
tobacco smoke.
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