First of all, you have to pay maximum attention to the protection of their skin. And no wonder! After a warm summer day, it is unfortunately subject to many adverse effects. Heat, dust, ultraviolet rays of the sun - all this is bad for the skin, irritating it and causing premature aging.
Therefore, in the summer should pay special attention to day cream. They have to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, that is, contain sunscreens are stronger than you used in the winter (that is, on average, 10-20).
But, unfortunately, many do not knowingly buy sunscreen, thinking that they prevent the occurrence of sunburn. This is not the case. If you use these drugs appears tan on his face, of course, not so fast as usual. But it is more even and steady, while the face and our body is not applied to almost any harm.
As in winter, summer day cream must protect your skin from free radicals that oxidize skin cells and cause their death. This function operates vitamins E, C, B, A, are included in many cosmetic preparations.
The texture of cream should be light, so they are well absorbed through the skin and does not leave greasy film on it, because in the heat, it will interfere with the evaporation of moisture, creating a unique effect of "steam", and the skin becomes hot.
So what are the nutritional fatty cream, which saved our face from the cold winter wind and summer should be replaced by gentle emulsion. Incidentally, this also applies to skin care at night. Indeed, in the warmth of your skin is absolutely no reason to "steam" under a layer of fat cream. Treat with something easier.
Remember, you need skin in the winter high-calorie diet, in the summer gives way to increased protection and moisture (

Cleansing the skin
As you know, in the hot period the skin more susceptible to contamination. Therefore, in the evening, along with make-up is imperative to wash away the remnants of dust accumulated in the pores of the day.
However, when performing this procedure is very important not to deprive the skin of vital moisture. In the application of products based on natural ingredients, the skin is cleansed without removing the natural lipid film and the violation of the acid cover. Particularly contribute to the careful purification by means of the juice of white grapes, kiwi, strawberries, cranberries and green tea. Apply the cleanser with the help of cosmetic wipes, cotton ball or drive to the skin, starting from the base of the neck towards the chin, mouth, nose, cheeks, temples and forehead. Then, depending on your skin type and preferences, the cleanser is removed with a cotton pad soaked in lotion, tonic, or just rinse with water. If money was not ready at hand, just make a mask of fresh strawberries, kiwi fruit or rubbing the skin cut into two halves of the grape.

Tonics remove all traces of dirt, dust and grease left over after the initial purification. They remove the remnants of cleanser, stimulate circulation and restore the acid cover.
Conventionally, they can be divided into "softening" (designed for dry and sensitive skin), "tonic" (for normal skin) and "pulling together" (for oily skin). Apply toner to a cotton swab, which wiped the face, starting from the base of the neck and moving in the same direction as that of a clean skin, avoiding the eye area. Suitable for dry skin tonics, which include those kiwi, peach juice, rose petals, green tea. On oily skin have a beneficial effect of blackberry juice, apricot and marigold extract. For normal and combination skin is better to choose agents based on the mango, strawberry, or an extract of cornflower. They both tone, moisturize and nourish the skin.
Moisturizing the skin
Winter skin hydration is mainly carried out only at night, but in summer it should be more intensive (both morning and evening). Moisturizers help restore and maintain the natural level of moisture in the skin, which is especially needed in the hot season.
They form a thin film on the skin, preventing evaporation of moisture and protects skin from harmful environmental factors. On clean skin, apply moisturizer with your fingertips on the various points along the line from the throat, chin, cheeks and forehead.
Then spread on the skin circular motion, starting from the base of the neck and moving higher, avoiding the eye area. When cleaning, toning and moisturizing is very important, moving from top to bottom.
Power of the skin
It should be remembered that the power of the skin is not only with fatty components. In this procedure also includes vitamin fortification both outside and inside.
In summer, we are able to saturate our diet in fruits and vegetables, which instantly affects the improvement of the condition of our skin. An excellent year, "resource" and masks are made of berries, fruits and vegetables that can be easily found on our suburban areas (strawberry, apricot, cucumber and others). When selecting a cosmetic skin-care routine must pay attention to their consistency. Even if you have dry skin, consistency of the "old" cream should be as easy. He must quickly absorbed, leaving the skin greasy and not clogging pores. Creams and tonics that are based on algae extracts, green tea, grapefruit juice, especially good for a morning deposition in hot weather. They provide a comprehensive action - tone, nourish, moisturize skin, protect it from toxins. On the face is a pleasant sensation of coolness and freshness, which we do not have enough in hot weather.
Skin protection
The benefits and dangers of tanning, perhaps says it all, or almost everything. In any case, a few recommendations for those who trustingly substitutes its face the sun, forgetting for a long winter of their perfidy. If you spend days walking down the street without dark glasses and a hat with a wide brim, your day cream must contain a sunscreen component - at least SPF8. Cream around the eyes, too, should protect and where possible to cool - in fact the first facial wrinkles appear there, and ultraviolet light greatly accelerates the process. Use a gel around the eyes many times a day, how much do you think is necessary. Wear dark glasses, even in cold weather - it helps not to squint and do not provoke the emergence of those "crow's feet."
Avoid prolonged sun exposure between 12.00 and 14.00. At this time, the power of sunlight is greatest.
If you sunbathe, apply the sunscreen at least 20 minutes before sun exposure and do not forget to do it again after bathing. Required coefficient of sun on the package of tanning (SPF), depending on skin type and determines the length of time during which the skin can stay in the sun without causing burns. The average time is 1 5 minutes. For example, a product with sun protection factor of 4, provides protection from the sun for about 1 hour (

Weathered, flushed, perspiring face needs a refurbishment, but do not take the time to wash them in cold water. First you need to wipe the cream 1-2 times or sour milk, and after 10-15 minutes - the tea room temperature or infusion of sage. In the still damp skin should apply the cream.
At constant sweating of the skin can wash herbs St. John's wort extract (1 tbsp. L. To 1 cup boiling water). To clean and freshen the face fit fresh juices - tomato, cucumber, grape, watermelon, etc.
For oily skin and severe sweating, you can use restorative lotions that contain alcohol (no more than 30%).
It is a mistake, as if on hot summer days it is not necessary to use creams because the skin is already sweaty and shiny. The epidermis, devoid of sebum, it becomes less resistant to sunlight, cold, wind, etc. Low-fat skin on hot days sweat evaporates more, which leads to even more of its dryness.
The sweat on his face you can not irritate the skin and wipe with a handkerchief. It is better to put a paper towel to the face with powder.
Often a person sweats can be caused by the fact that summer day, a day cream is used instead of an evening or day cream is applied longer than necessary. The reason for facial sweating may be the wrong choice of a day cream. For example, moisturizers and a variety of bio cream in young women can cause sweating face at any temperature. Need to remember in the summer and the powder, especially owners of oily skin.
Strengthening of the skin

For dry skin, particularly beneficial effect has moist air. Sea and sun bathing at this skin must be taken in moderation.
And a few more tips:
Do not overdo with the makeup. Day make-up on a hot day should be the maximum easy and natural: a thin layer of foundation with SPF-filter, mascara, lip gloss, a few pencil strokes for eyebrows (you can put gel). But even such an ascetic during the summer make-up day will have to upgrade. Stock up on special cleaning cloths, and thermal water.
Lovely refreshing lotion for the face can be made at home. Simply mix the juice of half a lemon with a glass of mineral carbonated water. Wipe it with tonic skin before you apply makeup. If your skin noticeably nibbling - add a little water. Lemon Toner refreshes and noticeably tightens the skin. The effect of its use is comparable with the effect of lifting.
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