Its detrimental effects smoking has on the digestive organs, from the mouth. Once in the mouth, tobacco smoke, which has a high temperature begins its destructive work. Smoker's mouth unpleasant smells, the language is often overlaid with a touch of gray (an indicator of malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract). Under the influence of nicotine and tobacco smoke particles turn yellow and rot your teeth. Low smoke in my mouth about 50-60 degrees and the temperature of air entering the mouth is much lower. A large temperature difference is reflected in the teeth. Early in the spoils enamel, loosened and bleeding gums, tooth decay develops (the destruction of hard dental tissues with the formation of cavities), opening up, figuratively speaking, a gateway for infection. Some people believe that smoking reduces toothache. This is due to the toxic effect of tobacco smoke on the tooth nerve and mental factors of smoking as a distraction from the pain. However, the effect of this short and to the same pain often disappears.

By stimulating the salivary glands, nicotine causes increased salivation. Smoker not only spits out excess saliva, and swallowed it, exacerbating the harmful effect of nicotine on the digestive system. Swallowed saliva nicotine not only irritates the gastric mucosa, but also puts an infection. This can lead to gastritis (stomach inflammation), the patient feels heaviness and pain in the pancreatic area, heartburn, nausea. The motor contractile activity of the stomach 15 minutes after the onset of smoking is stopped and the digestion of food is delayed for several minutes. But there are people who smoke before eating and eating. Many of smoke after a meal, making it difficult for the activity of the stomach and pancreas.
Thus, in addition to the respiratory organs, digestive organs are in direct contact with tobacco smoke. When tightening the toxic components of cigarette smoke exert their negative effects on all organs of digestion, from the mouth.
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