The main causes of poisoning the summer can be a walk in nature with a diverse forest eating sweets (of course, why wash), strawberries, cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden, barbecue and outdoor recreation. In addition, it is time to begin mushroom, poisoning, which leads to disastrous consequences. Well, if only a little after poisoning illness of the stomach, sit on the toilet, manifest diarrhea or vomiting. Or perhaps a far more serious.
That we have not touched the topic of food poisoning in the summer on the beach, the poisoning of poor quality water. These topics will be posyascheny following publication.
By weight, food poisoning can be divided into easy, medium and severe food poisoning. In medicine, food poisoning is divided according to etiological features:
Microbial nature.
Nemikrobnoy nature.
Other unclarified (not included in the first two cases) etiology.
In this note we will not get into the far wilderness medicine, and yet at the household level, we solve the following problems:

causative agents of disease;
Home diagnosis of food poisoning;
primary first aid for acute food poisoning;
when you need to go to the doctor or call the "emergency room";
medications for the treatment of food poisoning;
folk remedies to treat food poisoning.
To prevent food-borne illnesses include:
Wash hands after public transport, toilets, pets.
Thorough washing of food in cold water.
For some foods (eg, fungi) requires a mandatory heat treatment. Sometimes it requires repeated boiling and rinsing.
Water should be boiled, especially the water from the tap. Spring water is useful, but we must look derives from a spring, and at what runs through the territory.
Sometimes food poisoning causes too much to eat the product. For example, eat a couple pounds of cucumbers or tomatoes in one sitting. I think that the stomach will not like it.

With regard to fungi: how many times has said, gather mushrooms only tested and do not touch the knife other unidentified fungi. That's not the same: and in a basket with a knife fly agaric toadstool and some of the cut. The result - in the best case for the Hospital of the mushroom picker, at worst - a hospital and a cemetery for mushroom pickers and their families.
The causative agents of poisoning

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