Saturday, 28 July 2012

Smoking and cancer

Almost on every pack of cigarettes contains information that smoking causes cancer. However, people who purchase tobacco products have become so accustomed to such exhortations, which practically do not pay any attention to them.
Despite the fact that the messages on cigarette packs do not have the desired effect, the information provided to them, true and proven by years of research the world's leading scientists. Just the fact that smoking and cancer are interrelated, and official statistics indicate.
Scientists have shown that cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemicals. At the same time sufficiently weighty share in the play carcinogens. One of the main features of these substances is that they are easily incorporated into the genetic material of cells and damage it. Thus, they provoke cancer.
Cancer is quite common in modern society. They are dangerous not only because they cause discomfort and knock a person out of rut. Because cancer can over a long period of time is not accompanied by the appearance of symptoms to diagnosis is often not timely. Discovered in the late stages of development of malignant tumors is almost impossible to treat.
According to statistical studies of the most popular cause of lung cancer is smoking it. At the same time 90% of this disease ends in death. Every year from malignant tumors of the air breathing people are killed many times more than other types of cancer.
The risk of cancer increases with the increase in the number of cigarettes smoked and years of habit. Harmful substances accumulate in the body gradually, reaching a critical mass, leading to the formation of cancerous tumors. The planned process is explained by the fact that carcinogens can not simultaneously destroy the cell membrane. This prevents the body's natural protection, including vitamins A and E. However, smoking provokes a lack of oxygen in the blood and, consequently, all the nutrients absorbed much worse. Over time, the protection is weakened. Obstacles for carcinogens becomes smaller, and they are actively incorporated into the structure of cells.
It is proved that smoking causes not only lung cancer. Malignant sore throat, lips, tongue, bladder, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system just is largely due to exposure to tobacco smoke on the human body.
Particular attention scientists around the world draw on the phenomenon of passive smoking. Reliably proved, that the person in the company's "smoking" colleagues and friends at risk of cancer is 2-3 times more than those who avoid such a society.
The only way to protect yourself and your loved ones from cancer is the absolute refusal of smoking.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

The influence of smoking on the human senses

When a person puffs on the cigarette and tobacco smoke enters the lungs, and then into the blood, central nervous system is experiencing some excitement, but when it is braking and oppression. Later, it affects the functions of the body as a whole, and the activities of the senses is no exception.
Already well-known fact that most smokers do not like sweets. This is because the language of the smoker is always a thick layer of viscous mucus, which in turn limits the access of food to the nerve endings (receptors) that are responsible for taste. Another of the side effects of nicotine and other toxic components of tobacco smoke - is the oppression of the nerve endings (receptors), or rather their activities are in the mouth. Violation of the perception of taste tested a simple way - you need to give the smoker and non-smokers equally sweetened or salted water. Smoker had difficulty with his right answer, and a non-smoker, in turn, can easily cope with this task. Impaired sense of taste, in turn, results in "blunting" satiety. Yes, smoking can have some effect on the appetite, which is the wrong basis for many smokers (particularly women), smoking is regarded as almost a "complete cure". However, the above fact, on the contrary contributes to weight gain.
Tobacco is also negatively affects the human sense of smell, and it reduces the perception of odors and their nuances. Tobacco smoke is constantly irritating the mucosa of the sinuses, reduces the sensitivity of nerve receptors, and, gradually, contributes to inflammation of the mucous membrane and, further, its pathological degeneration. One of the consequences of systematic smoking is a chronic runny nose, which is the result of inflammation of the nasal mucosa and nasal passages. Deleterious effect of tobacco smoke in the sense of smell is not easily verified by experiment on a large dog, if you let her cigarette smoke in the nose, it instantly loses its sense.
The following senses are mercilessly destroying the nicotine - the eyes. The constant flow of tobacco smoke adversely affects the making adverse changes in the retina and optic nerve. Accordingly, the visual perception of the smoker falls. Smoker can often be found on the eyes, they had a red-yellow hue, constantly tears swell the lid margin. In some cases, when a large consumption of nicotine, smoking can lead to total blindness. Optometrists, even for such cases, enter your term - "Tobacco blindness." Often there is a smoker developing color blindness or, in other words, the disruption of normal color vision, and it may already have an impact on professional activity in humans (eg, drivers of vehicles or people whose work is connected with a computer and graphics, etc.).
A very detrimental effect smoking has on people suffering from glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure). Pain caused by this disease from smoking, are amplified several times, and to help the smoker patients with glaucoma can no treatment until he quit smoking. Smoking also contributes to the development of the disease in smokers, not suffering them. In general, smoking is one of the risk factors and other eye diseases such as:
Cataract - clouding of the lens of the eye;
Retinopathy - pathology of the retina;
ischemic optic neuropathy - a disease caused by circulatory disturbance of the optic nerve and, further, the loss of its functionality;
age-related macular degeneration (AMD) - a disease associated with damage to the central part of the retina.
Do not spared its devastating impact smoking and hearing. Smokers have a greater its mass is a decrease of hearing. Tobacco toxins cause inflammation of the nose and throat in humans, which eventually becomes chronic. A naso-pharynx connects with the tympanic cavity, and the inflammatory process begins to develop here, spreading further to the auditory nerve. The tympanic membrane begins to thicken, leading to a decrease in activity of mobile ossicular. All this is due to worsen hearing.
Do not forget that the human senses, in spite of the complexity of its structure and functionality are the primary link in the chain of perception of external factors. All the sensations perceived by them, passed along the nerves to the brain, and they are analyzed, roughly speaking - they actually "feel". Despite the fact that the negative impact of tobacco on the senses, such as the eyes and nose done either through blood or through direct contact with tobacco smoke, smoking is equally harmful acts, both on the senses and the central nervous system as a whole . Thus, the entire system suffers from the perception of the environment.

The impact of tobacco on the digestive organs

Its detrimental effects smoking has on the digestive organs, from the mouth. Once in the mouth, tobacco smoke, which has a high temperature begins its destructive work. Smoker's mouth unpleasant smells, the language is often overlaid with a touch of gray (an indicator of malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract). Under the influence of nicotine and tobacco smoke particles turn yellow and rot your teeth. Low smoke in my mouth about 50-60 degrees and the temperature of air entering the mouth is much lower. A large temperature difference is reflected in the teeth. Early in the spoils enamel, loosened and bleeding gums, tooth decay develops (the destruction of hard dental tissues with the formation of cavities), opening up, figuratively speaking, a gateway for infection. Some people believe that smoking reduces toothache. This is due to the toxic effect of tobacco smoke on the tooth nerve and mental factors of smoking as a distraction from the pain. However, the effect of this short and to the same pain often disappears.
By stimulating the salivary glands, nicotine causes increased salivation. Smoker not only spits out excess saliva, and swallowed it, exacerbating the harmful effect of nicotine on the digestive system. Swallowed saliva nicotine not only irritates the gastric mucosa, but also puts an infection. This can lead to gastritis (stomach inflammation), the patient feels heaviness and pain in the pancreatic area, heartburn, nausea. The motor contractile activity of the stomach 15 minutes after the onset of smoking is stopped and the digestion of food is delayed for several minutes. But there are people who smoke before eating and eating. Many of smoke after a meal, making it difficult for the activity of the stomach and pancreas.

Thus, in addition to the respiratory organs, digestive organs are in direct contact with tobacco smoke. When tightening the toxic components of cigarette smoke exert their negative effects on all organs of digestion, from the mouth.

The impact of tobacco on the respiratory system

Inhaled into the body act harmful components of tobacco smoke. Available in smoke ammonia is irritating to mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi. As a result of developing a chronic inflammation of the airways. Stimulation ¬ Niko Tin nasal mucosa can lead to chronic catarrh, which is spreading on the course, which connects the nose and the ear can cause hearing loss.
Smoke acts on the vocal cords. Prolonged smoking leads to the fact that in them is growing fibrous tissue, narrowing the glottis. Chronic irritation of the vocal cords change tone and color of pronunciation, the voice loses its purity and sonority becomes hoarse, that for singers, actors, teachers, lecturers may end professional unsuitability.
Getting into the trachea and bronchi (the airways, the air enters the lungs), nicotine acts on their mucous membranes and the upper layer, which has to ¬ leblyuschiesya cilia, cleaning the air of dust and small particles. Nicotine paralyzes the cilia, and the particles of tobacco smoke are deposited on the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi.
The smallest of their size allows them to penetrate deeply and settle in the lungs.
The mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi from frequent smoking irritated and inflamed. Therefore, chronic tracheitis and chronic bronchitis - diseases common to smokers. Mnogochisleinye study of Soviet and for-eign scientists have identified the harmful role of smoking in the development of chronic inflammation in the airways. Thus, those who smoked per day to one pack of cigarettes, chronic bronchitis occurs in about 50% of cases, up to two packs - 80% in non-smokers the same - only 3% of cases. J. Kazarevich (Yugoslavia), investigating more than two thousand smokers and more than 6 thousand non-smokers, showed 55.6% of bronchitis in smokers and 6.3% non-smoking. Soviet scientist SP Oleynikov found that chronic bronchitis in smokers observed in 7 times more likely than non-smokers, and 5 times more likely than quitters. Surveys of young people found smoking in violation of their respiratory lung function, greater incidence of cough and colds. These effects were reversible and were within a few weeks after smoking cessation.
A typical sign of a smoker - coughing up mucus dark-colored particles from tobacco smoke, especially tantalizing in the morning. Cough - a natural protective reaction by which the release of the trachea and bronchi by mucus produced by glands in the bronchi strongly influenced by smoking and inflammation due to inflammatory edema ¬ bronchial mucosa, as well as the settled particles of tobacco smoke. Lighting the first cigarette in the morning, a smoker irritates the upper respiratory tract, and this causes a cough. No remedy in such cases do not help. The only way - to stop smoking.
Coughing causes emphysema (enlargement) of the lungs, manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. The degree of severity of chronic bronchitis, emphysema depends on the duration of smoking, number of cigarettes smoked and the depth of inhaling.

Lungs have a greater total surface - when you inhale an average of 90 m2. In quiet breathing they contain about 3 liters of air. With a deep and heavy breathing if ¬ tional to the air rises to 6 liters or more. Smokers are less than these figures. In the bronchi and the lungs is about 50% of solid particles of tobacco smoke.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The effect of smoking on the body

The composition of tobacco smoke consists of hundreds of toxic components. It's the nicotine, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, kontserogennye substances, essential oils, resins, tar. 14 of these poisons are drugs. And the people who suck the poisonous smoke, are the real tobacco addicts.

When these toxic substances ingested into the lungs, they are immediately absorbed into the blood, and blood these poisons are destroying a human vitamin A. Vitamin A is a vitamin A and vitamin growth of good vision.

What happens when a person sucks a toxic tobacco smoke? This applies to smoke cigarettes, cigarettes and even if someone else's smoke is inhaled by the smoker standing next to (the so-called passive smoking, which is also very harmful to the body).

When these poisons are ingested into the lungs, they are immediately absorbed into the blood. As a result, begins a defensive reaction of the body: all the vessels is a spasm. That is, the vessel in response to cigarette smoke, some time later narrowed, trying not to miss it by yourself.

After inhaling the smoke goes spasm. Next, exhale - vessels depart to their original positions. Then again, puff - and spasm. Exhale - the vessels depart. And again and again: a spasm (contraction) - the difference, the vessels depart; spasm - the discrepancy. So in a smoker for 8 years on average, about a million times defile their entire cardiovascular system. But unlike physical exercises, which strengthens the muscles, spasms of the vessels are made of tobacco thin, fragile and brittle. There is a thinning of the blood vessels.

Now imagine a man poured a mug of beer, a glass of wine ... He has alcohol absorbed into the blood, erythrocytes poskleival, these gluing pozakuporivali blood vessels in some places. Corked flask. As a result of inflated flask. The face of a drunk that is red, but blood flow through vessels is terminated. There is an aneurysm of the vessel.

But almost no one liter of beer right in itself not pouring. Between doses of alcohol, many smokers. What if this happens?

After inhaling tobacco in some time for all vessels is a spasm. Including the vessel at the site of an aneurysm trying to spasm. A suite of the vessel is stretched, worn out. A grass-roots pressure laughing props. And once a tightening of the vessel wall can not withstand, and the breaks are microbleeds.

If this happens in the brain, the disease is called microstroke. At the same person can be paralyzed partially or completely, absolutely.

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that delivers oxygen to the brain, clogged blood clots (erythrocytes by gluing or other particles). Thrombosis of cerebral vessels - the most common cause of stroke. Thrombosis means the formation of a blood clot from the blood and circulatory disorders of the brain. Another type of stroke occurs when the affected artery disease of the brain (eg, aneurysm) ruptures. This phenomenon is called a brain hemorrhage.

If the flask (with whom there was an aneurysm), the site feeds the heart muscle, the disease is called microinfarction.


Alcohol + Tobacco = accelerated and certain death
Alcohol + Tobacco repeatedly reinforce a negative impact on the human body of some common poisons. In order not to appear here blowers divorced from life horror stories, you should look at the statistics.

According to statistics, 60% of Russian men of working age die from some "mysterious", "nowhere fallen on our head," CVD. We have shown the cause of these cardiovascular diseases that kill 60% of men. Kills them alcohol and tobacco.

What is going on with these vessels?
- These vessels spazmiruyut, depart, spazmiruyut, depart ... And then at some regular spasm occurs collapse of the vessel. In medicine, a process known as obliteration of the vessel: a vessel imploded back and does not diverge. As a result, blood flow through the vessel is terminated forever.

If the process of obliteration (collapse) will occur in the stomach, the liver, the spleen - in an internal organ, the body will still be able to bring blood to the body, on the other hand, because an extensive system of blood vessels. But if the process of obliteration of the vessel will occur in the fingers or toe, the blood can no longer be supplied with the "other side" (fingers this is the final authority). Then the person develops a disease that is called occlusive disease. The people call it "smoker's legs", and the last stage is called gangrene. The disease develops very quickly. Collapses in a container toe. Within 3-4 hours of your finger swells. If you do not have time to cut your finger, then the next day, the finger starts to rot, swelling begins to stop. If you do not have time to cut off the foot, then the next day begins to rot foot, swollen whole foot. If you do not have time to cut off the leg, then the next day there is a general blood poisoning, which leads to death.

Addicted to sucking the poisonous drug to tobacco smoke is very simple. Among other things, to ensure that children start smoking, tobacco companies are added to each ton of tobacco 150 kg of honey, 90 kg of dried fruit, add different flavors - to have a child who is the first time it tries to smoke, did not appear suffocating effect, and that he was involved in a tobacco. As a young man to give up tobacco is much easier than to pay the above-described problems.

Initial signs of obliterating endarteritis:
· Chilly fingers and toes, that is, when the fingers and toes are always colder than the overall temperature of the body (it is said that the disrupted blood flow);
· Whitening of fingers and toes, too, which is associated with inadequate blood supply;
· Numbness of fingers and toes;
· Intermittent claudication, suddenly there is pain in the legs.

Alcohol and tobacco are the biggest enemy of man, because under their influence is primarily destroyed by the most delicate vessels of the body, what are the vessels of the retina.

Moreover, smokers are constantly inflamed eyes. The composition of cigarette smoke streams include ammonia. But ammonia is in contact with any moist surface, is transformed into ammonia. And when the smoke stream hits the eyes, the ammonia immediately on a tear turns into ammonia and the person begins to irritate and burn the eyes, too, which leads to inflammatory processes.

The effect of smoking on the heart

The fact that smoking affects the cardiovascular system - is not "scary", but, unfortunately, the sad reality. And while they write about it on every pack of cigarettes, the number of smokers in the world has not diminished. Many of those who are used to start your day than physical exercise, a puff of nicotine, such warnings are considered "fairy tales". These people simply believe that they did not happen. Unfortunately, experience shows the opposite: every year more than six million smokers die from heart disease. The most common diagnoses of smokers: myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris.  Yes, smoking affects the heart, no matter how much you smoked. The only difference is that if you smoke a lot, then you face a heart attack, and if not enough - coronary heart disease.
Myocardial infarction. Smoking contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, poor blood supply to organs. Moreover, as a result of smoking thicken the blood, and its ability to clot is increased. All this becomes a cause of thrombosis (blood clots), which are extremely dangerous to life. Detached blood clot may enter the heart and cause death. This is called a myocardial infarction. The specialists of the World Health Organization demonstrated that the risk of heart attack is directly proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
If a person smokes, the risk of coronary heart disease had twice as much than that of his fellow non-smoker. Keep in mind that in this case, the important role played by certain factors. For example, the number of cigarettes smoked and the depth of inhalation of tobacco smoke. Moreover, the experience of playing a role, even a smoker and how early he became addicted to nicotine.
Smoking is often a cause of sudden death (coronary vessels of the heart). The more cigarettes smoked per day, the more you have a chance to say goodbye to life. Moreover, nicotine, affecting the cardiovascular system, causes the death of not only the elderly but also young people.

Did you know that maternal smoking affects the health of the newborn heart? Yes, unfortunately, often for the mistakes of adults have to pay for their children. Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, often suffer from heart disease. At the risk of smokers to give birth to a baby with congenital heart disease is 20 to 70%. Agree that irresponsible mom was lucky - the child was born healthy. But is this a reason not to give up cigarettes, nurturing your baby? You are really willing to risk?

Monday, 23 July 2012

Prevention of dental caries

The main measures of prevention of dental caries are:
- Regular oral health care;
- Reducing the consumption of sugar;
- The use of fluoride toothpaste;
- Respect the right technology brushing;
- Routine inspection at the dentist at least a half-year.

However, it should be noted that in the wild any animal other than humans, does not clean teeth, and purposefully do not usually suffer from tooth decay.
An important role in eliminating cariogenic situation has healthy respect for the body and good oral hygiene.

How to start tooth decay?

Almost all of the pathological processes in the body originate from the thin, invisible disturbances at the biochemical molecular level. Since dental caries is an infectious disease caused by streptococcus, for him, as for many similar pathologies characteristic "incubation" period, during which the symptoms are not detected. Objectively (by examination, probing, temperature diagnostics) dental clinic found in the spots stage (see below), but the caries process occurs much earlier.
Today it is known that the initial processes of demineralization (the loss of hard tissues of teeth minerals) occur before the detection of lesions visible under a microscope. These submicroscopic changes in the enamel surface occurs at the molecular level by reducing the level of acidity. German scientists, Elmar Hellwig, and Joachim Klimek call this early stage of the caries process, the initial lesion. The authors argue that "the beginning of an infectious disease should be considered as the incubation period, and not a time when the disease is diagnosed based on clinical manifestations. That is demineralization of dental hard tissues, which manifests itself in the form of the initial decay, followed by destructive forms of development, is only the result of local and long-term by reducing the pH of dental plaque, and not the beginning of the disease. " Thus, the beginning of the caries process in enamel should not be considered a stage already appeared spots, and the stage of mature or active plaque, as is proved by science. that without the formation of dental caries does not occur.

What are the teeth most frequently affected by caries?

More caries affected teeth of the upper jaw, the teeth than the lower jaw. According to some researchers it is because of the lower jaw teeth are in constant motion, thus they are best cleaned of food residue and it fixes the conditions for the occurrence of dental caries.
Of all the teeth most often affected six. This is due, apparently, because they are cut first. In second place are seven, the third - four, five, and the upper incisors, the fourth - teeth (three). Front teeth affected by caries of the lower jaw is very rare. In the localization of cavities in the teeth there is a certain regularity. So when caries lesions molars (six, seven, eight), the process begins at the chewing surfaces, grooves, or contact (side) surfaces. Canines are most frequently affected by caries in the necks of the teeth. On the tops of hills and cutting surfaces of the cavities does not occur.

The causes of tooth decay:

The daily diet

The systematic use of carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose) in between meals. In the occurrence of cavities plays a role not so much the amount of sweets consumed as the frequency of their admission and their duration of stay in the mouth.
Found that the protein deficiency, deficiency of vitamins D, A, C, etc. do not affect the occurrence of dental caries. Only a very crude supply shortages for a long time may be associated with an increased caries lesions.
The influence of diet on the occurrence of dental caries is not limited to the influence of carbohydrates. Undisputed caries-preventive role of fluoride.
Even another 60 - 80 years ago, the food is not exposed to intense cooking. Being tougher, it had a pronounced cleaning effect, and the result is self-cleaning of the teeth. Currently, the food has increased the amount of carbohydrates, especially refined (not less than 40 kg per year per capita). We used the food softer and does not require intensive treatment, which does not provide a self-cleaning of the teeth. As a consequence, the formation of plaque on tooth surfaces. Add to this the systematic use of carbohydrates, it becomes clear why there is often damage the buccal cavities and contact surfaces of the teeth.

Effect of microorganisms

Normally, in the oral cavity of man there is a large number of microorganisms. Some of their views when entering the mouth of carbohydrates are able to produce adhesives and using them to bind to the surface of the teeth, forming plaque and dental plaque.
Over time, bacteria in dental plaque proliferate, it becomes thicker and more dense, becoming a mature and active dental plaque. In this case, a process of dissolution of enamel plaque at the site of adhesion to the tooth. Caries begins - a process of destruction of dental hard tissues, leading to the appearance of the cavity. Since the process of transforming into a mature plaque lasts for 18-28 hours, then carefully removing the plaque from your teeth twice a day (1 every 12 hours), you can significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Past medical history

Under the influence of common diseases vary the conditions of formation and maturation of dental hard tissues and especially the enamel, which makes them less resistant to cariogenic factors.
Effect of common diseases (tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, etc.) on an already-formed tooth is not supported by convincing evidence. Enamel - highly mineralized tissue, which has no blood vessels and nerves, maintains its continuity through ion exchange with the saliva. Thus, one should not overestimate the value of the transferred cariogenic and related diseases in adults, because they have the formation and maturation of the tooth has long ended.
External effects on the body that cause tooth decay
Ionizing radiation.
Prolonged intense x-rays.

Dental caries

Dental cavities (caries dentis) - a pathological process in which a loss of hard tissue minerals and softening with subsequent formation of cavities.
According to statistics from different countries, the prevalence of dental caries among children and adult population ranges from 85 to 98%. In Poland 90% of school children affected by caries in the Czech Republic - 64-76%, in Britain and the U.S. - 98%. In Russia, caries of the teeth of the population is 80%.


The toothbrush is rarely thought about what a particular design, or that the bristles, stiffness, shape handles and other details can somehow affect the health. Dentists with this fundamentally disagree. This article is about what are toothbrushes and how to pick out this useful little thing.

Today toothbrushes are subject to mandatory certification in several ways. First, there is rigidity. There are brushes hard (hard), of medium hardness (medium) and soft (soft). Some companies produce a very soft brush (extra soft). Hard brushes can be used for those who believe in their strong gums. It is these brushes provide the most powerful massage the gums. As for the cleaning bristles force, then it depends on the hardness of a lesser degree. Soft and very soft toothbrush should be preferred in the case of frequent bleeding gums, so as not to injure the addition of the already traumatized gums. Medium hard brush as if specially designed for those who doubt what to choose.

The second thing worth noting is the bristles. Today, dentists are unanimous in the opinion of the worst natural ingredients, that is, the pig bristles. Typically, this type of bristle tends to leave his cell in the head of the brush well before end of the first dental cleaning. Incidentally, the stubble, which fell into the gastrointestinal tract, once even accused of occurrence of appendicitis. At one time, pathologists in the study of the appendix are remote because the bristles often find that surgeons have to worry about, not a tooth brush to blame for the occurrence of acute appendicitis. Scientific disputes resolved after epidemiological data have shown that appendicitis sick and those who do not clean their teeth.

Modern materials of construction for the brush, in contrast to their natural families is not stratified, do not leave their place and they rarely infest microbes. In addition, modern technology has enabled to make the indicator bristles. So in some models use a special paint brushes, which are gradually disappearing, the owner indicates that it is time to go to the store or pharmacy to purchase a new copy.

Stubble should be neatly trimmed, and is close to the edge of the plastic head. "Shaggy" instances should cause concern for the trade origin of the brush. Brushes with a two-level "haircut" (interdental) bristles are more cleaning power with respect to interdental spaces. It is in these areas almost half of the caries.

Third, we should pay attention to the design of the brush. Placed on the non-slip rubber sockets in his hands, thereby preventing gum injury in the intensive movements of hands and the morning of inhibition of the central nervous system. Reduce pressure on the gums helps bend the brush - "Snake" or "ball", which are far from the cleaning surface. Sometimes manufacturers have resorted to a lengthening of the handle to reduce the pressure on the gums.

As to the form, you should choose "rounded" shape, because they have less chance of damage to the mucosa of the mouth. Size can be selected in terms of the oral cavity. If you're brushing your teeth feel in the mouth is not nearly the place, you should get a smaller brush. Cleaning the head should not be large, otherwise the cleaning efficiency is reduced.

Mechanical brush, according to dentists, designed for the lazy. They can buy, if it allows your family (or non-family) budget.


Various promotional stunts make people choose certain types of toothpastes. It is not always the choice is correct. This note of what are toothpastes, and how they differ from each other.

All pastas are divided into two groups - hygienic and prophylactic. The first group is only for cleaning the teeth from plaque food, as well as giving a pleasant mouth odor. These pastes are usually recommended for those who have healthy teeth, and has no reason for the occurrence of dental disease, and regular visits to the dentist.

The majority of toothpastes is the second group - health care. Their purpose, in addition to cleaning the tooth surface, is the suppression of the microflora, which causes dental caries and periodontal disease, tooth enamel remineralization, reducing inflammation in periodontal diseases, as well as bleaching tooth enamel.

There are protivokarioznye paste, which include calcium-and fluoride toothpaste, toothpaste with anti-inflammatory action ("Forest", "Colgate forest grass", etc.) and whitening toothpaste.

Protivokarioznye effect by the presence of fluoride in toothpaste (sodium fluoride, stannous fluoride, amino, monofluorophosphate), as well as the presence of calcium (calcium glycerophosphate). All these substances are effective only in those cases where the process of cleaning your teeth last longer than five minutes. Anti-inflammatory effect is usually achieved by adding toothpaste extracts of herbs (mint, sage, chamomile, etc.).

Whitening toothpaste contains sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, which has a strong abrasive action. Adopt a daily toothpaste is not recommended due to risk damaging the enamel. Usually recommend using them 1-2 times a week.

There is a list of substances included in the toothpaste. They perform support functions. Thus, detergents, among which the most common sodium lauryl sulfate, which is also used in the manufacture of shampoos, cause foaming. Abrasives, the most popular are aluminum hydroxide, chalk, sodium bicarbonate, silicon dioxide surfaces of teeth clean of plaque and bacterial plaque. Stabilizers are designed to increase the acidity of pH in the oral cavity, since the acidic environment promotes the development of caries.

Other substances that make up the toothpaste, improve its consumer properties - thickeners, coloring agents, flavoring agents, solvents and so forth.

Optimally, if you choose to receive dental paste. You can do the job yourself, bearing in mind that cheap toothpaste from unknown manufacturers are not as good as a brand. Toothpaste should be alternated. Thus, the tendency to decay and periodontitis should be applied morning protivokarioznye paste, and in the evening anti-inflammatory.

Hygienic care oral and dental

Artificial hygiene products (powders, mouthwashes, etc.) and the appropriate tools (toothpicks, brushes) for cleaning teeth used by man since ancient times. The Indian medical guidelines there is mention of brushing your teeth and rinse your mouth even 400 years before our era. There are many different formulations of powders, mouthwashes, which are used for mechanical cleaning and deodorization (removal of smell) of the mouth. Well-known folk remedies that were used for this purpose in different countries: charcoal, chalk, gypsum, the roots of certain plants, tar, cocoa beans, etc.
In the recent past for cleaning teeth most commonly used dental powders. At first they produced for pharmacies in special recipes, and in the future - through the industry. The powders were composed of chalk or magnesium carbonate. They added finely pounded leaves or fruits of herbs (cinnamon, sage, violets, etc.) - They were later replaced by a variety of essential oils. The powders have changed toothpaste. They came into use in most countries in the 30s of this century, and gradually began to replace tooth powders, because the household had undeniable advantages: compactness, portability, plasticity, and the best flavoring properties. For some time to clean your teeth using a so-called tooth soap. It consisted of a neutral Sound of soap, chalk, flavoring (peppermint oil), thoroughly mixed together. Tooth Soap were produced in the form of pieces, "and plates of various shapes, packed in paper or cardboard. It was convenient to use, but has an adverse effect on the gum tissue. One of the essential attributes of good oral hygiene dental elixirs are known to people since ancient times.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

How to brush your teeth for adults?

No need to be skeptical of the phrase: "How to brush your teeth," Believe me, nobody is going to show you the simple truth, or say that you do not know how to care for their teeth. We just want to invite you to read this article and learn something new. And suddenly, you sweep it, a curious fact, that you did not know. Let's start, as they say, from the beginning. It is advisable to brush your teeth so-called "standard method", which combines horizontal, vertical and circular movements. Cleaning of the teeth of both jaws, we recommend a certain scheme. Again, it is worth noting, we do not impose your opinion. We do not set a goal - to reproach you that you are not paying due attention to oral hygiene or neglect by any rules of individual hyenas. We only answer to the question: "How to brush your teeth." Visually, each jaw is divided into six segments: two anterior (incisors and canines), molars, right and left. Brushing your teeth, you can start from the vestibular side of the right or left molars in the maxilla and continue to the opposite side, then clean the chewing surfaces of teeth and complete cleansing in the palatal surfaces of the teeth. In the same sequence of brushing their teeth of the mandible. All surfaces of the teeth of each segment of the jaw should be cleaned no less than ten paired movements of your toothbrush. We recommend that you brush your gums as the teeth, first from the outside, then inside. In this case, it is advisable not to press the brush too hard, and do not rub her teeth and gums, as this can cause irritation and lead to stomatitis. The most recent lower teeth - this is the place where the most likely to hide attacks. Too much emphasis is given to cleaning the surfaces of teeth exposed in a smile - the upper teeth, which are easily accessible. In this case, places where the teeth are in contact with the tongue and cheek, most people pay the most minimal attention. And for good reason. It is important to note that the time you are willing to spend brushing your teeth should not be less than 3 minutes. Now a closer look at the answer to the question: "How to brush your teeth with a toothbrush." You must remember that the manual toothbrush cleans only three of the five surfaces of the teeth. The remaining two surfaces (between the teeth) require special care to avoid the accumulation of plaque and food particles. Because tooth decay and gum disease occur in these areas, we therefore need daily flossing. It should be noted that quite topical today, the question remains - what toothpaste preferred. Good pasta should be cleaned his teeth from the harmful plaque does not contain sugar and have as part of fluoride. For the purification of toothpastes contain abrasives that actually operate on the teeth as a scouring powder. Moreover, the larger the particle size of abrasive particles, the more effective cleaning of the teeth. However, keep in mind - too large for the size of the particles can lead to an effect of sandpaper and may eventually severely damage the tooth enamel.

And now we will tell you how to properly care for your teeth with floss. So, take dental floss and gently encircle it around each tooth. Next, begin to move it - upside-down. Clean the teeth of the mandible in a similar way, only the thread between the teeth enter the index fingers. A small disclaimer - preferably for each tooth using a new section of floss. Still, for a more thorough oral hygiene, it would be nice to get a special scraper to clean the plaque from the tongue. Considering the detailed answer to the question: "How to brush your teeth?" Can not neglect the problems of selecting a toothbrush. It must be selected purely individual as someone suitable stiff bristles, and someone is soft - it all depends on the degree of sensitivity of your gums and their condition. The desired width of the brush head - no more than 2 inches is the optimum size for the most convenient and efficient manipulation of the oral cavity. The bristles of the toothbrush should be trimmed is not exactly, but in the form of triangles - for better penetration into the interdental spaces. By the way, you can easily see how you brush your teeth - correctly or not, causing the teeth and gums by means of a special dye, which is sold in every drugstore.

How to care for the teeth of children?

No less important is the issue of quality of oral health among our children. In fact, it was you and I are responsible for ensuring that our children's teeth are clean until the child reaches the age where he will be in a position to consciously pay due attention to care for their teeth. We understand that young children lack the skills to effectively clean their teeth, which is why the help of parents in this difficult process is important. That we must always tell your children how to brush their teeth about how important it is to care for their teeth. It is important to remember that the baby teeth are more prone to caries than permanent, respectively, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth. Generally, dear parents, the WHO recommends brushing your children need to start from the first day after they erupted. First, it is quite possible to do without toothpaste, and, in principle, without a toothbrush. Just twice a day, clean the baby teeth of wet cotton wool. When your child reaches 1-1.5, it is possible to use special nozzles on the finger with silicone fibers, and after two years - to clean the baby brush and a special children's toothpaste. It is important to note once again that it is a child need to lay the foundations of child oral health, talk in detail about how to brush your teeth, how to care for their teeth, get information about what dental care - is a necessary procedure regardless of how tired your child wants to sleep, or he just too lazy to go to the bathroom and brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth after eating children need in the morning and evening, that is, it turns out at least twice a day.

Approximately when your child turns 3 years, start to buy a special baby tooth paste. While brushing your child accidentally eats some toothpaste. Therefore, our recommendation on how to care for their teeth, we'll add a paragraph about how it is essential to buy only children's toothpaste. Note that in any case, children should not use adult toothpaste, bleaching agents and toothpastes with strong additives. In conclusion, I would like to highlight another issue that can not go past - like the children to brush their teeth - regular brushing or better power? Many parents do not fully understand that children brush their teeth fledgling electric toothbrushes - are extremely harmful. Electric toothbrush, no matter how much it cost, can damage tooth enamel immature kid.


The question of when to brush your teeth, morning or evening, neprintsipialen. The main thing - the systematic, regular and routine oral health care as well as periodic tooth cleaning, carried out from time to time, say, on Sundays and public holidays, nothing. Plaque manages to soak up the salt and removed with a brush. The harmful effects of food residues and microbes remain in force. In addition, periodic stimulation of the gums is unlikely to be useful, while regular massage brush it acts prophylactically.
It should be noted that the majority of toothpastes you can brush your teeth twice a day - morning and evening. This is the most rational oral hygiene.
Powder should not brush your teeth once a day. If brushing is performed in the evening, morning, rinse your mouth vigorously enough. If you are brushing your teeth in the morning, evening mouthwash made after the last meal.

With twice the oral care early morning brushing should be carried out after breakfast, and evening - after dinner. This is the most effective method of hygienic measures, as after a meal in the inter-dental gaps stuck its remnants, and are deposited on the teeth of dental plaque, which are then converted into a dense plaque. Cleaning your teeth after breakfast and dinner, to a large extent prevents the formation of dental plaque and the development of oral diseases.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Myogenic pain in the back

If the role of the various elements of the spine in the occurrence of back pain excluded (notably the absence of local tenderness on pressure and tapping, the lack of X-ray disease), diseases of the thoracic and abdominal cavities were found, the cause of back pain can be a back muscle itself.
We have already mentioned that concepts such as myalgia, muscular rheumatism, miogenez, fibrositis are used to indicate the disease state, which is caused by diseases of soft tissues. These definitions Diverging ¬ chats and is very inaccurate. If the soreness is caused by hematoma, requiring ¬ schinami, bruises, inflicted injury, the history provides sufficient ¬ accurate information even in cases where signs of trauma are no longer visible. Latour mus ¬ back can be painful in the beginning of the infectious diseases associated with high body temperature (influenza, pneumonia, typhoid, brucellosis, etc.). If there is fibrositis in the lumbar spine (in the acute or chronic), it is usually spoken of lumbago, which can occur both in isolation and with the syndrome of sciatica. Fibrosis may be limited and the spinal musculature, which may be palpable nodules are characteristic. The diagnosis of rheumatic pains is made by the physician's experience, even if it is unknown what the pathological changes caused by the pain. This is usually dull pain that during a massage, pressure weakens, rather than efforts ¬ Lebanon. Common symptoms of inflammation (fever, leukocytosis, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate) are absent, which in itself casts doubt on the validity of the name "fibrositis." All such inaccurate diagnoses hundred ¬ vyatsya solely by the method of exclusion. Sore muscles, of course, can be caused by myositis, dermatomyositis, trichinosis. The diagnosis of these rare diseases can be diagnosed only if the doctor remembers about the possibility of their occurrence.
It should be mentioned that the back pain may be functional, neuro-genic. Of course, in such cases, there are neurogenic and other complaints, the cause of which can be explained in more familiar with the patient.

Back pain in diseases of the spine

One of the causes of back pain with uncertain localization, are static disorder. Unusually for a long distance, an unusual posture can cause back pain and a healthy person, in the event of such pain may play a role, and any violation of the skeletal system, ligaments, muscles, joints and out of the chest. Scoliosis, coke, any violation, accompanied by an asymmetry (a shortening of one leg, hip dislocation, etc.) can lead to back pain in the same way as those disorders that are accompanied by mixing the center of gravity, changes in normal load (kyphoscoliosis, lumbar lordosis is a strong, obesity - especially large deposition of fat in the abdomen, ascites, etc.). In such cases, ¬ reason for pain is primarily the fact that instead of balanced tonus back muscles, regulated the autonomic nervous system, neural compensatory reductions come as the first cause fatigue, unpleasant condition, and then the pain. Such pain can be eliminated by a simple (orthopedic) Correction: wearing corsage. May play a role and workload resulting from the changes of position (ptosis), ligaments attached to the vertebral column, or to the chest wall. The most common and banal disorder that causes not only pain, but sometimes severe back pain - is flat.
If a young patient complains of persistent back pain and fatigue, you should think about the possibility of Scheuermann disease (a deforming juvenile osteochondritis of spine). This is a benign condition may cause suspicion of tuberculous spondylitis, as the wedge-shaped vertebrae become thinner, become narrower, their closing plate machine twists ¬ rough as a result of disease of cartilage disks between the call ¬ stones and disorders of ossification of vertebrae (Fig. 173). The disease is no change in body temperature and increase the ESR. The relevant section of the spinal column can be fixed, there will be slight kyphosis, however, after 16 years of age progression of the disease pre ¬ kraschaetsya in adults observed only residual effects of the disease. But they can cause pain in the back. Diagnosis help put detect ¬ assumed wedge-shaped vertebrae.
Uncertain nature of back pain can cause illnesses such as oc-teoporoz, osteomalacia, a disease Recklinghausen's disease Paget's, spondylarthrosis. On the differential diagnosis of these diseases will be discussed in the second volume.

How Scheuermann's disease and other diseases of the spine If required to distinguish from disease of the lungs and pleura, primarily from pneumonia, pleurisy, pleuropneumonia. For them, as well as generally for back pain, ¬ GOVERNMENTAL associated with respiratory diseases, characterized by the appearance of symptoms of the respiratory system: cough, expectoration, high body temperature, etc.


This section will be very short, because it will be discussed only about the pain that really rasprestranyayutsya only the breast area. It will not speak about the causes of pain in the shoulder joint, the frequent back pain and sacral region. Will describe the causes and differential diagnosis is only pain, localized in the back, in the strict sense of the word of the line of the shoulder joint to the line of the lower thoracic vertebrae.
Pain in this area may be due to disease of bone, cartilage, spine, ligaments, fascia, and various muscle membranes of the spinal cord and spinal nerves coming from here, due to diseases of op ¬ ganas not only breast cells ki, and the abdominal cavity, as well as congenital and acquired disorders of static associated with limb and pelvic bones system. And finally, back pain can be caused by diseases of muscles and the skin surface.
Inspection and palpation of the back allow the patient to deter ¬ of many diseases that cause pain. The naked eye can discern already mentioned shingles, any inflammatory skin disease claims more ¬ back (carbuncles, erysipelas, etc.), some traumatic disease. Radicular pain, ¬ schiesya propagating in a particular segment, as in the cases of area and hyper ¬ paths corresponding to ill abdominal organs can be identified easily by palpation, and even better conduct of parallel lines on the skin of the back tip of the needle. Palpation can detect pulsed ¬ schuyu aneurysm pushes on the transmission to the neighboring parts of the body, real or ¬ inflammatory rheumatic diseases of the muscles, the local disease vertebrae ¬ sources (cancer, tuberculosis, etc.), pain emanating from the edges. If the surface area located on the pain which the patient complains, palpation, and pressure is not painful, it means that the pain due to disease of some internal organ, which gives irradiation on the surface.
An examination of a patient complaining of back pain, it is important to carefully percussion area of ​​the spine with your fingers or a hammer to test reflexes. Soreness of the individual vertebrae in the percussion often helps to make the correct diagnosis when no other specific symptoms.
Among the causes of back pain often appear anomalies and diseases of the spine. They should be distinguished from those pains, which cause the disease ¬ ryh is an organ of the chest or abdomen.

Finally, it should be borne in mind the possible pain of the back muscles. 

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Food poisoning in the summer

Summer - it's time to leave. And also it's time to food poisoning. To avoid becoming a victim of some bacteria (salmonezy, for example) and do not sit on the toilet all weekend, or, God forbid, leave, you must be a simple and effective rules that will be given below.

The main causes of poisoning the summer can be a walk in nature with a diverse forest eating sweets (of course, why wash), strawberries, cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden, barbecue and outdoor recreation. In addition, it is time to begin mushroom, poisoning, which leads to disastrous consequences. Well, if only a little after poisoning illness of the stomach, sit on the toilet, manifest diarrhea or vomiting. Or perhaps a far more serious.

That we have not touched the topic of food poisoning in the summer on the beach, the poisoning of poor quality water. These topics will be posyascheny following publication.

By weight, food poisoning can be divided into easy, medium and severe food poisoning. In medicine, food poisoning is divided according to etiological features:

Microbial nature.
Nemikrobnoy nature.
Other unclarified (not included in the first two cases) etiology.
In this note we will not get into the far wilderness medicine, and yet at the household level, we solve the following problems:

preventive maintenance and basic actions that will not let you get sick;
causative agents of disease;
Home diagnosis of food poisoning;
primary first aid for acute food poisoning;
when you need to go to the doctor or call the "emergency room";
medications for the treatment of food poisoning;
folk remedies to treat food poisoning.

To prevent food-borne illnesses include:

Wash hands after public transport, toilets, pets.
Thorough washing of food in cold water.
For some foods (eg, fungi) requires a mandatory heat treatment. Sometimes it requires repeated boiling and rinsing.
Water should be boiled, especially the water from the tap. Spring water is useful, but we must look derives from a spring, and at what runs through the territory.
Sometimes food poisoning causes too much to eat the product. For example, eat a couple pounds of cucumbers or tomatoes in one sitting. I think that the stomach will not like it.
Care should be taken, what foods we take in food. If the product is spoiled - it is a poison (weak, but the poison). Very often make salads, such as a birthday or a wedding, and served on the table is 2.4 hours after preparation (at best). Keep nowhere, refrigerators packed, and salads on the table is no longer fresh. There are people who are on the second day of festivities exhibit the same salad on the table, and then the risk of acute food poisoning earn guaranteed.
With regard to fungi: how many times has said, gather mushrooms only tested and do not touch the knife other unidentified fungi. That's not the same: and in a basket with a knife fly agaric toadstool and some of the cut. The result - in the best case for the Hospital of the mushroom picker, at worst - a hospital and a cemetery for mushroom pickers and their families.
The causative agents of poisoning
The main pathogens of domestic food poisoning bacteria include Salmonella (serogroup A, B, C, D of Kauffman and White), and Staphylococcus, as well as other enterobacteria (Proteus sp., Shygella sonne, E. coli, Klebsiella enterocolytica, Serratia sp., Enterobacter sp., etc). The bacteria can easily enter the body and the decomposition of toxins - endotoxin (LPS). To include the causative agents of food intoxication protein exotoxins C. perfringens, C. botulinum, Staphylococcus aureus, C. difficile.

Secrets of proper tanning in the sun

As soon as the summer season, we hear and read that a tan can be taken only at a certain time until the sun is fairly safe for the skin. Right sunbathe need at this time of the morning, while not included in the zenith of up to 10-11 hours, and after 16. And stay in the sun for more than two hours is harmful to the body.

To avoid burns, accustom the body to the sun gradually. Start with a couple of minutes tanning in the sun a day, constantly increasing the time sunbathing. As a rule, occur as soon as the days are warm, we go to t-shirts, shorts, not daring to immediately strip to bikini - and it's the right decision. Just because a tan in the sun will be a beautiful, uniform, and the skin will not burn.

The question of proper sun in hot countries is especially important. Hiding under a straw umbrella, people think that they are defended from the sun. This is not the case, the rays penetrate through the defense. But they are not as warm, plus the wind, that's a feeling of comfort zone. Therefore, in the first or second day of arrival if you want to sunbathe properly, try not to sunbathe on the direct sunlight at all, and spend the most sunshine in the room or hotel lobby.

Do not forget that the sun should take care of your hair - hat, panama, scarf or hat made of cotton fabric loose - an excellent choice. His eyes hide behind dark sunglasses, even just going for a walk with no intention to lie on the beach.

An important point - you want to sunbathe properly discard books and magazines - reading, we fall in love and often miss the moment when it's time to stop to take a tan. Especially do not sleep. Do not go to the beach immediately after a meal - exhaust. Do not drink cold drinks, give them a little hot. Alcohol and sunburn, too incompatible, since alcohol blocks the sensitivity of the skin.

10 minutes - as many experts are allowed to be a man in the scorching southern sun. In the mean time of continuous band of tan in the sun should not exceed 20 minutes.

The correct tan in the sun requires the mandatory use of a cream with a protection from ultraviolet radiation. You can start with funds from higher levels of SPF, then buy at a lower level. If you have dark skin, it contains more melanin, respectively, you can immediately start with a low rate of protection.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Skin care in summer

First of all, you have to pay maximum attention to the protection of their skin. And no wonder! After a warm summer day, it is unfortunately subject to many adverse effects. Heat, dust, ultraviolet rays of the sun - all this is bad for the skin, irritating it and causing premature aging.

Therefore, in the summer should pay special attention to day cream. They have to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, that is, contain sunscreens are stronger than you used in the winter (that is, on average, 10-20).

But, unfortunately, many do not knowingly buy sunscreen, thinking that they prevent the occurrence of sunburn. This is not the case. If you use these drugs appears tan on his face, of course, not so fast as usual. But it is more even and steady, while the face and our body is not applied to almost any harm.

As in winter, summer day cream must protect your skin from free radicals that oxidize skin cells and cause their death. This function operates vitamins E, C, B, A, are included in many cosmetic preparations.

The texture of cream should be light, so they are well absorbed through the skin and does not leave greasy film on it, because in the heat, it will interfere with the evaporation of moisture, creating a unique effect of "steam", and the skin becomes hot.

So what are the nutritional fatty cream, which saved our face from the cold winter wind and summer should be replaced by gentle emulsion. Incidentally, this also applies to skin care at night. Indeed, in the warmth of your skin is absolutely no reason to "steam" under a layer of fat cream. Treat with something easier.
Remember, you need skin in the winter high-calorie diet, in the summer gives way to increased protection and moisture (

Cleansing the skin

As you know, in the hot period the skin more susceptible to contamination. Therefore, in the evening, along with make-up is imperative to wash away the remnants of dust accumulated in the pores of the day.

However, when performing this procedure is very important not to deprive the skin of vital moisture. In the application of products based on natural ingredients, the skin is cleansed without removing the natural lipid film and the violation of the acid cover. Particularly contribute to the careful purification by means of the juice of white grapes, kiwi, strawberries, cranberries and green tea. Apply the cleanser with the help of cosmetic wipes, cotton ball or drive to the skin, starting from the base of the neck towards the chin, mouth, nose, cheeks, temples and forehead. Then, depending on your skin type and preferences, the cleanser is removed with a cotton pad soaked in lotion, tonic, or just rinse with water. If money was not ready at hand, just make a mask of fresh strawberries, kiwi fruit or rubbing the skin cut into two halves of the grape.

Toning the skin

Tonics remove all traces of dirt, dust and grease left over after the initial purification. They remove the remnants of cleanser, stimulate circulation and restore the acid cover.

Conventionally, they can be divided into "softening" (designed for dry and sensitive skin), "tonic" (for normal skin) and "pulling together" (for oily skin). Apply toner to a cotton swab, which wiped the face, starting from the base of the neck and moving in the same direction as that of a clean skin, avoiding the eye area. Suitable for dry skin tonics, which include those kiwi, peach juice, rose petals, green tea. On oily skin have a beneficial effect of blackberry juice, apricot and marigold extract. For normal and combination skin is better to choose agents based on the mango, strawberry, or an extract of cornflower. They both tone, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Moisturizing the skin

Winter skin hydration is mainly carried out only at night, but in summer it should be more intensive (both morning and evening). Moisturizers help restore and maintain the natural level of moisture in the skin, which is especially needed in the hot season.

They form a thin film on the skin, preventing evaporation of moisture and protects skin from harmful environmental factors. On clean skin, apply moisturizer with your fingertips on the various points along the line from the throat, chin, cheeks and forehead.

Then spread on the skin circular motion, starting from the base of the neck and moving higher, avoiding the eye area. When cleaning, toning and moisturizing is very important, moving from top to bottom.

Power of the skin

It should be remembered that the power of the skin is not only with fatty components. In this procedure also includes vitamin fortification both outside and inside.

In summer, we are able to saturate our diet in fruits and vegetables, which instantly affects the improvement of the condition of our skin. An excellent year, "resource" and masks are made of berries, fruits and vegetables that can be easily found on our suburban areas (strawberry, apricot, cucumber and others). When selecting a cosmetic skin-care routine must pay attention to their consistency. Even if you have dry skin, consistency of the "old" cream should be as easy. He must quickly absorbed, leaving the skin greasy and not clogging pores. Creams and tonics that are based on algae extracts, green tea, grapefruit juice, especially good for a morning deposition in hot weather. They provide a comprehensive action - tone, nourish, moisturize skin, protect it from toxins. On the face is a pleasant sensation of coolness and freshness, which we do not have enough in hot weather.

Skin protection

The benefits and dangers of tanning, perhaps says it all, or almost everything. In any case, a few recommendations for those who trustingly substitutes its face the sun, forgetting for a long winter of their perfidy. If you spend days walking down the street without dark glasses and a hat with a wide brim, your day cream must contain a sunscreen component - at least SPF8. Cream around the eyes, too, should protect and where possible to cool - in fact the first facial wrinkles appear there, and ultraviolet light greatly accelerates the process. Use a gel around the eyes many times a day, how much do you think is necessary. Wear dark glasses, even in cold weather - it helps not to squint and do not provoke the emergence of those "crow's feet."

Avoid prolonged sun exposure between 12.00 and 14.00. At this time, the power of sunlight is greatest.

If you sunbathe, apply the sunscreen at least 20 minutes before sun exposure and do not forget to do it again after bathing. Required coefficient of sun on the package of tanning (SPF), depending on skin type and determines the length of time during which the skin can stay in the sun without causing burns. The average time is 1 5 minutes. For example, a product with sun protection factor of 4, provides protection from the sun for about 1 hour (


Weathered, flushed, perspiring face needs a refurbishment, but do not take the time to wash them in cold water. First you need to wipe the cream 1-2 times or sour milk, and after 10-15 minutes - the tea room temperature or infusion of sage. In the still damp skin should apply the cream.

At constant sweating of the skin can wash herbs St. John's wort extract (1 tbsp. L. To 1 cup boiling water). To clean and freshen the face fit fresh juices - tomato, cucumber, grape, watermelon, etc.

For oily skin and severe sweating, you can use restorative lotions that contain alcohol (no more than 30%).

It is a mistake, as if on hot summer days it is not necessary to use creams because the skin is already sweaty and shiny. The epidermis, devoid of sebum, it becomes less resistant to sunlight, cold, wind, etc. Low-fat skin on hot days sweat evaporates more, which leads to even more of its dryness.

The sweat on his face you can not irritate the skin and wipe with a handkerchief. It is better to put a paper towel to the face with powder.

Often a person sweats can be caused by the fact that summer day, a day cream is used instead of an evening or day cream is applied longer than necessary. The reason for facial sweating may be the wrong choice of a day cream. For example, moisturizers and a variety of bio cream in young women can cause sweating face at any temperature. Need to remember in the summer and the powder, especially owners of oily skin.

Strengthening of the skin

In the summer the skin of any type strengthens the morning wash in cold water with a gradual decrease in temperature. For this purpose, after sleeping face and neck smeared with the juice of fresh vegetables or fruit (one or two is enough berries or slices of fruit) and then on a dry or irritated skin, causing oil or cream. After 5-10 minutes you can wash in cold water, oily skin rubbed with a piece of ice. Skin sensitivity or dilated capillaries can not handle the ice. After that, dry skin causing fat cream, oily skin smeared with tonic lotion, and then dried on the skin non-greasy cream is applied.

For dry skin, particularly beneficial effect has moist air. Sea and sun bathing at this skin must be taken in moderation.

And a few more tips:

Do not overdo with the makeup. Day make-up on a hot day should be the maximum easy and natural: a thin layer of foundation with SPF-filter, mascara, lip gloss, a few pencil strokes for eyebrows (you can put gel). But even such an ascetic during the summer make-up day will have to upgrade. Stock up on special cleaning cloths, and thermal water.

Lovely refreshing lotion for the face can be made at home. Simply mix the juice of half a lemon with a glass of mineral carbonated water. Wipe it with tonic skin before you apply makeup. If your skin noticeably nibbling - add a little water. Lemon Toner refreshes and noticeably tightens the skin. The effect of its use is comparable with the effect of lifting.