Saturday 2 June 2012

Youth faces - how to achieve this?

Age is expressed not only in the wrinkles around the eyes, but also that the eyes become smaller - "closed" under the influence of gravity, eyes getting tired, dark circles under the eyes give the age.In a series of articles on the theme of "Beauty and youth face" medical specialists in the field of Aesthetic Medicine Center of Aesthetic Medicine Etika talk about how to restore youth and beauty of the different areas of the face.Probably the hardest issue age of the eye: the skin around the eye has no fat, so the wrinkles around the eyes are formed earlier than other wrinkles, under the influence of gravity eyelid and brow lowered, "closing" eyes, eyes "sink" and the shadow in the hollow formed infraorbital dark circle "tired eyes".Modern aesthetic medicine without surgery and irreversible procedures can solve all these problems, restoring youth and joy to your look.With the help of Botox can smooth wrinkles under the eyes and corners of the eyes ("crow's feet").Botox injections into the area above the eyebrows raise the eyebrows and "open" the eyes, making eyes open and youthful.So with the help of Botox can remove wrinkles on the nose, which appear on the habits of wrinkle your nose - in laughter or anger.The effect of "sunken" eyes removed with a filler - a natural for the body's hyaluronic acid: it is injected into the infraorbital cavity, filling it, and removing dark shadows under his eyes.It is important that all of these procedures - reversible, with the passage of time imposed under the skin of preparations are absorbed and excreted from the body naturally.Botox for today - one of the most studied, popular and safe methods for removing wrinkles. The introduction of minimal doses of Botox can get rid of wrinkles, while maintaining the natural facial expressions.Injections should start with 30-33 years old, when due to reduced elasticity of the skin intensively manifested facial wrinkles.The first result from the injection site becomes visible after 5-7 days, maximum, is 14-15 days.If Botox is addictive, and then only in a positive way. After the first injection effect lasts for 4-6 months, and after several years of use, Botox has been operating for 10-12 months or longer. Upon termination of the use of Botox muscle movement returns to normal. However, after repeated injections of lost the habit wince.Hyaluronic acid is a natural for our body. The effect of its introduction - an instant, after the administration of hyaluronic acid begins the natural regeneration, rejuvenation of the skin from within, by awakening their own collagen and elastin. Duration of effect - 1-1.5 years.It is important to make "beauty shots" in the major medical centers with a good reputation. Injections must be dosed very accurately by experienced professionals to remove wrinkles, but do not break the facial expressions, not to deprive a person the whole range of emotions and expressions.Together with the Center for Aesthetic Medicine specialist Etika you can choose how you would like the payment system on credit - 200 shekels a month, depending on the selected package procedures.

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