Sunday 10 June 2012


Hemorrhoids (a word derived from Greek: haima - «blood», roe - «for») - is a physiologically and aesthetically unpleasant disease (although not representing a danger to human life), characterized by inflammation of blood vessels in the rectum, stagnation of blood in the anal channel and accompanied by the formation of cones bleeding, wounds and knots.This disease is the leader of disease, the most common worldwide. It is equally common in both men and women. This problem is diagnosed in approximately 30 percent of the world's population, and in persons over 50 years, it has been found in half the cases.Risk of developing hemorrhoids are particularly vulnerable to fat people, pregnant women and citizens of professions such as dancers, athletes, teachers, longshoremen, barbers, drivers, computer programmers, computer operators, accountants, etc.The beginning of the history of large-scale study of this problem can be regarded as the opening in 1835 in London, first proctological Hospital of St. Mark. In our country the first 25 beds for patients who require personal treatment of hemorrhoids, were identified in 1945 in Moscow.In Rostov-on-Don Regional Proctologic center on the basis of the 1st Department of Surgery Hospital Road was opened only in the mid 70s. It all started with 15 beds, but now we have a large, serious medical diagnostic organization that is prepared quickly and efficiently to help those suffering from this unpleasant disease and its complications attendant.

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