Saturday 16 June 2012

Learning how to give birth

What do we know about the birth of man into the world? When it comes time to think about it, we know what we know about it too little. Customs and traditions that prepares young women for motherhood, went out of our lives. And what has come to replace them? A doctor in the antenatal clinic will tell you about all kinds of pathologies, mom or a close friend of his heavy labor in the hospital, and movies and books portray a colorful picture of the labor pains. And now the pregnancy seems to us as a diagnosis, and birth as a dangerous operation. How does a woman cope with an information vacuum, and the many stereotypes that exist in society about pregnancy and childbirth?Throughout the civilized world there is a developed system of special education of couples waiting to have a baby. Most doctors agree that women of pre-preparation for childbirth, the number of birth defects is significantly reduced. Even the high level of medical technology does not guarantee the safe during childbirth. Doctors can not for a woman to perform its mission - to give birth to a healthy baby. It's time to come to an understanding that only an informed approach to the delivery, the active participation of women in childbirth are really important to the health of your baby. What is the preparation for childbirth?You can read a large amount of literature, view training videos, seek the advice of your doctor to the observed. Unfortunately this is not enough to overcome the fear of childbirth. Pregnancy is a time of crisis in a woman's life when major changes occur not only in its physiology, and psychology. It becomes more sensitive to different kinds of feelings, anxieties and fears that may lead to a state of stress. But how a woman will live during this period, depends too much, especially the health of the unborn child. A pregnant woman more than anyone else in need of psychological support and positive emotional state, positive information about the normal course of labor. Therefore, the role of psychologists in this period is no less important than the role of the obstetrician-gynecologist.Recently, in our country there were training courses for childbirth, where a woman is interested in a harmonious pregnancy and childbirth soft, can obtain special knowledge, skills and qualified psychological care.There are several activities such courses. The first step is to obtain specific information on natural pregnancy and childbirth. To do this, you will be offered a detailed series of lectures, from which you will learn about child development during pregnancy, the most important moments of the flow of labor and skills of handling the baby. You can view a specially filmed videos that reflect the actual birth, and receive detailed comments. Teachers of course happy to answer all your questions, advise the specialized literature, share their personal parenting experience. You will learn about different scenarios of developments in labor on a large number of examples of specific examples. And gradually, you will form a correct idea of ​​pregnancy and childbirth, are not distorted by stereotypes and fears.However, some lectures are not enough. During delivery the woman is subjected to very strong physical stress, resistance to which is achieved by means of special training. Therefore, great attention is paid to gymnastics, breathing exercises and techniques of natural healing and health training. In addition to regular classes in the hall, many centers conduct their classes in the pool. Lessons in the pool not only deliver a special pleasure to expectant mothers, but also provides a unique opportunity to perform "water" exercises are very useful during pregnancy. Another important aspect of physical training - teaching relaxation techniques to the battles that are important in relieving labor pain. In general, the above training will help women better understand and feel your body, manage it, use various methods of natural pain relief and to choose the most optimal model behavior during childbirth.And finally, last but hardly least, why can learn to expectant mothers. It's no secret that raising a child begins long before his birth. Already developed various methods of prenatal physical and spiritual development. Complexes of specific movements, the possibility to prepare the baby to birth stress, increase its reserves of adaptation, ie make it stronger and more resilient. Musical techniques contribute to the intellectual and aesthetic development of the baby. A woman learns about the importance of emotional communication with the child learns to understand his world of experiences and promote the full development of his personality.Rates welcome their participation in training programs for future fathers. Wrong to think that child bearing is entirely dependent on women. Pregnancy cherish two: a woman has a child and a man - a woman. From the existing family relationships depend psychological well-being of the child. The joint attendance to enhance mutual understanding in the family, helping my father is actively involved in the process of the birth of the baby.If you decide that you need this training, there is a problem before you select appropriate courses. Each center has its own author programs: one focuses on the physical preparation of the mother, someone - in the development programs of the baby, someone - in a particular way of birthing. These tips will help you make the right choice:It is important that the school has not focused its attention on only one method of childbirth (vertical, water, or home birth), and covered all the possible options. Then the greater the likelihood that you will find suited for you. Pay attention to the personal qualities of the school instructors. Do they take a direct part in the birth or are familiar only with the theory. Do they have their own experience of childbirth? What kind of education they received, and what style of training they prefer? Not the last role is played by a variety of methods. It is important to successfully combine lectures with practical sessions. Remember that in labor are more important than theoretical knowledge and skills in specific behaviors. Avoid a simplified approach to childbirth. Equally undesirable and too idealized view, depicting childbirth as an exclusively spiritual process, and too physiological, emphasizing the possible pathologies of the flow of labor. Ask whether you will have a concrete help in the organization of labor. You should be confident that you will have a real opportunity to put into practice what you learned in the classroom.Do not wait for the last month of the beginning of classes. Take care before choosing a course, because the earlier you start preparing for childbirth, the easier it will be for you and your baby.

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