Saturday 28 July 2012

Smoking and cancer

Almost on every pack of cigarettes contains information that smoking causes cancer. However, people who purchase tobacco products have become so accustomed to such exhortations, which practically do not pay any attention to them.
Despite the fact that the messages on cigarette packs do not have the desired effect, the information provided to them, true and proven by years of research the world's leading scientists. Just the fact that smoking and cancer are interrelated, and official statistics indicate.
Scientists have shown that cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemicals. At the same time sufficiently weighty share in the play carcinogens. One of the main features of these substances is that they are easily incorporated into the genetic material of cells and damage it. Thus, they provoke cancer.
Cancer is quite common in modern society. They are dangerous not only because they cause discomfort and knock a person out of rut. Because cancer can over a long period of time is not accompanied by the appearance of symptoms to diagnosis is often not timely. Discovered in the late stages of development of malignant tumors is almost impossible to treat.
According to statistical studies of the most popular cause of lung cancer is smoking it. At the same time 90% of this disease ends in death. Every year from malignant tumors of the air breathing people are killed many times more than other types of cancer.
The risk of cancer increases with the increase in the number of cigarettes smoked and years of habit. Harmful substances accumulate in the body gradually, reaching a critical mass, leading to the formation of cancerous tumors. The planned process is explained by the fact that carcinogens can not simultaneously destroy the cell membrane. This prevents the body's natural protection, including vitamins A and E. However, smoking provokes a lack of oxygen in the blood and, consequently, all the nutrients absorbed much worse. Over time, the protection is weakened. Obstacles for carcinogens becomes smaller, and they are actively incorporated into the structure of cells.
It is proved that smoking causes not only lung cancer. Malignant sore throat, lips, tongue, bladder, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system just is largely due to exposure to tobacco smoke on the human body.
Particular attention scientists around the world draw on the phenomenon of passive smoking. Reliably proved, that the person in the company's "smoking" colleagues and friends at risk of cancer is 2-3 times more than those who avoid such a society.
The only way to protect yourself and your loved ones from cancer is the absolute refusal of smoking.

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