Thursday, 9 August 2012

Symptoms and gastritis treatment

Симптомы гастрита, лечение гастрита What is a charm – a fiery burning smoking piece of meat... Mmmm, fingers you will lick... And here the stomach for some reason so doesn't consider, after spicy and fat food there is a stomach a pain, and then vomiting and in general is was ceased to want. All these symptoms of sharp gastritis.
Gastritis is an inflammation of walls of a stomach which arises under the influence of chemicals (not only food, but also some drugs), bacteria of Helicobacter pylori and mechanical damages. Among the reasons of gastritis it is possible to call also abuse of alcohol, smoking, hobby for "fast food". The matter is that our gastric juice is a strong hydrochloric acid that a wall of a stomach didn't "corrode", they have a layer an epiteliya (cages) which resists to destroying influence of acid. If the person often eats spicy, resalty or spicy food, stomach epiteliya истончается, cages lose ability to resist to gastric juice, and it starts to corrode stomach walls. There is a gastritis.

Types of gastritis and their symptoms

Allocate a sharp and chronic form of gastritis. Sharp gastritis is shown in 4-8 hours after the person will eat a spicy food. Suddenly there is a weight in a stomach, nausea, the general weakness, vomiting, a diarrhea, dizziness. The person turns pale, language is imposed with a white raid, a slyunotecheniye, or, on the contrary, dryness in a mouth.
Симптомы гастрита, лечение гастрита Often happens so that symptoms of sharp gastritis are shown is greased, weakly, the patient tries to endure the arisen inconveniences, without addressing to the doctor. Gastritis doesn't disappear anywhere, it only passes to a chronic form. The mucous membrane of a stomach is constantly inflamed, and in certain cases the inflammation extends and on deeper layers of walls of a stomach. Patients with chronic gastritis periodically feel pain in an epigastriya (this place is in front, directly under edges), nausea, appetite decreases, in a mouth periodically arises metal smack, an eructation – air, with a smell of rotten egg, the food remains is frequent.
At chronic gastritis allocation of gastric juice is broken.
If juice it is allocated too much, the patient suffers from a stomach pain, attacks of nausea, an eructation sour, locks. This disease is characteristic generally for young men.
Gastritis with the lowered sekretorny function of a stomach (gastric juice it is allocated too little) is characterized by nausea, metal taste in a mouth, locks and diarrheas. If such gastritis long not to treat, the patient loses appetite, gradually grows thin, the general weakness and impotence develops. Such form of gastritis meets at men of advanced age more often. It happens that gastritis with the lowered secretion of gastric juice is a harbinger of development of tumors – after all at gastritis of a wall of a stomach will atrophy, losing the functions.
There are also other forms of gastritis. Korrozivny gastritis develops at hit in a stomach of strong acids and alkalis (for example, at the loser suicide, trying to commit suicide, having drunk table vinegar). Hypertrophic gastritis – at it in a stomach numerous cysts and tumors, hemorrhagic gastritis – a stomach wall изъязвляется are formed, and periodically there are gastric bleedings. But these forms of gastritis meet much less often so we on them won't stop.

Gastritis diagnostics

Гастрофиброскоп For statement of the diagnosis the following researches are carried out: Ultrasonography, a gastroskopiya, the bacteriological analysis of the cages taken from struck and healthy parts of a stomach.
With ultrasonography everything is clear: during its carrying out the doctor sees blacked-out and more light sites, defines, where exactly there are changes.
Gastroskopiya is a research by means of a thin tube on which end there is an optical device. Research is carried out on an empty stomach. Before carrying out research гастроскоп process alcohol. To the patient enter atropine solution, a throat process an anesthetic. Then the patient clamps in a mouth a nagubnik, it is necessary to weaken a throat and to take one sip. During glotatelny movement the doctor will push гастроскоп in a throat and further, to a stomach (very unpleasant procedure, but it it is necessary to suffer) and survey its internal surface. After careful survey the doctor takes slices mucous a stomach for the further analysis – biopsies. All this becomes for once: both the gastroskopiya, and a capture of cages on the analysis is carried out same the gastroskopy. For a biopsy enough very small slice of a fabric so it at all doesn't harm to a stomach. At research of the fabrics extracted during a gastroskopiya, define a look and porazhennost degree that helps to choose right tactics of treatment and to exclude malignant changes.

Gastritis treatment

Лечение гастрита More often treatment of gastritis is reduced to a diet and purpose of the preparations relieving pain, removing spasms.
Regardless of a gastritis form treatment begins with a diet. The doctor for certain will recommend to exclude fat, salty, sharp. Drinks should be warm – the hot and cold food or drink irritates stomach walls. The food is necessary for chewing carefully to facilitate stomach work. Is not less than 5 times a day in the small portions are necessary.
If gastritis is caused by Helicobacter pylori, it is necessary to follow 10-14 dnevny policy of antibiotics (левомицетин or is more often энтеросептол), and then to be treated by a diet. Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium which, getting to a stomach, irritates a mucous membrane and causes gastritis development. The main messengers of this bacterium are cockroaches. But Mirsovetov would like to note especially that fact that bacteria of Helicobacter pylori are dangerous more that are easily transferred at a kontaktirovaniye (isn't allowed using the general ware) so to ache everyone has a chance.
Sharp gastritis treat by means of a diet and the enveloping substances reducing aggressive influence of gastric juice on walls of a stomach. Such medicine is альмагель.
At chronic gastritis with the increased secretion of gastric juice use викалин, альмагель, платифиллин, atropine. These preparations reduce acidity of gastric juice. Besides, apply the drugs promoting restoration of normal structure of walls of a stomach – метилурацил or пентоксил.
If at gastritis secretion of gastric juice is reduced, apply кватерон. This preparation doesn't reduce allocation of gastric juice, but removes a spasm and reduces pain. From natural means apply plantain juice – it reduces pain and heals stomach walls.

Diet at gastritis

Диета при гастрите Diet – a cornerstone in gastritis treatment. At gastritis with the lowered section of gastric juice the patient can eat the krupyany and vegetable soups cooked on broths from low-fat meat (крольчатина, индюшатина), low-fat fish (humpback salmon), fermented baked milk and other not sour dairy products, stale bread, fresh and boiled vegetables and fruit, eggs, porridges, cocoa, coffee, tea – rather weak and not hot.
At the increased secretion of gastric juice the diet should contain the products reducing acidity of juice. It is possible to use in food dairy products (fresh and not sour), cottage cheese, curdled milk, boiled eggs, low-fat boiled meat and fish. Vegetables it is possible to eat only boiled, wiped. And in the raw it is possible to use only salad, green onions and fennel. Soups cook on low-fat meat, with the wiped vegetables. It is possible to use sunflower oil, low-fat sausages, vermicelli, porridges, stale bread, tea, coffee.
At any kind of gastritis are strictly forbidden: alcohol, newly-baked flour products, rye bread, peas, haricot, lentil, fried eggs, fat meat (pork), fat fish (mackerel, salmon), fried potatoes, French fries, onions, cabbage, firm cheeses, rural sour cream, chocolate, candies. Still it is impossible to eat fruit with a peel – even grapes.
Keeping to a diet it is possible to restore completely the stomach and to get rid of unpleasant feelings. It is better not to deviate a diet not to cause new development of gastritis.

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